

Love your life

because anything is possible…

“Love is the will to extend oneself to nurture one's own or another's spiritual growth. Love is both an intention and an action. It is a powerful force that transcends individual experiences, connecting us in our shared humanity and creating a foundation for personal and collective transformation. By practicing love in all its dimensions, we can create a just and compassionate world.”

- bell hooks, All About Love

Life Coaching
& Mentorship

I provide coaching, consulting, and mentorship in the following areas:

  • I support clients in integrating insights and experiences from psychedelic journeys or “peak experiences” into their daily lives.

    Here’s how the process typically unfolds:

    1. Preparation: I help you prepare mentally, emotionally, and practically for the psychedelic experience, including setting intentions, creating a safe environment, and ensuring appropriate support.

    2. Integration Sessions: After the experience, we have a series of sessions to understand and integrate your insights. This involves discussing revelations, processing emotions, and identifying actionable steps for personal growth.

    3. Exploration and Reflection: I guide you in exploring and reflecting on your experiences, helping you gain deeper insights into yourself, your patterns, and your life goals.

    4. Mindfulness and Self-Care: I may introduce mindfulness techniques and self-care practices to help you stay grounded and balanced during integration.

    5. Goal Setting: Based on your insights, we set meaningful goals together and develop a plan to achieve them.

    6. Support and Accountability: I provide ongoing support and accountability to help you stay on track and make lasting changes.

  • Tap into your inner magic and let your true self shine. Our journey together is all about discovering the brilliance within you and embracing your full potential.

    We'll dive into exciting topics like breaking free from self-imposed limitations, amplifying your emotional intelligence, setting and smashing meaningful goals, cultivating mindfulness, and crafting healthy boundaries. Life coaching is a personalized adventure where every step aligns with your values, guiding you to thrive and sparkle.

  • Embrace life's changes with an open heart and a adventurous spirit. Whether you're stepping into a new chapter, making a big decision, or navigating unexpected twists, I’m here to walk with you.

    We’ll explore the beauty in transitions like welcoming a new family member, supporting aging parents, facing loss, or celebrating milestones such as marriage or career shifts. Let’s turn these moments of change into opportunities for growth, ensuring you move forward with grace and excitement.

  • Cultivate connections that light up your soul and enrich your journey. Whether you’re looking to deepen a romantic bond, enhance family dynamics, or nurture meaningful friendships, I’m here to support you.

    We’ll explore relationships in all their beautiful shapes and forms, focusing on improving communication, resolving conflicts, setting loving boundaries, and deepening emotional intimacy. Let’s create relationships that resonate with joy, authenticity, and connection.

  • Step boldly into your leadership role and shape a career that reflects your deepest passions and dreams.

    Drawing on my experience as a Principal of a high-performing high school, my background in career counseling, and extensive HR training, I’m here to guide you in discovering your life’s purpose and leveraging your unique strengths and gifts. Whether you're aiming to advance in your current role, explore new horizons, or develop your leadership skills, I’ll support you in aligning your career with your core values. Let’s unlock your potential, overcome challenges, and craft a career journey that truly excites you and fulfills your deeper sense of purpose.

My role is to offer a supportive and non-judgmental space where you can explore your experiences, gain insights, and make positive changes in your life.

You will always be accepted & understood in this space.

Please contact me for more details or to schedule a call to discuss how I can support you.

I look forward to connecting with you!
